Software libre linux canaima venezuela

It was created as a solution to cover the needs of the venezuelan government as a response to presidential decree 3,390 that prioritizes the use of free and open source technologies in the public administration. Radio urquia en venezuela automaitiza con software libre usando radit en canaima. This page is maintained by the free software foundations licensing and. Canaima gnulinux is this distribution, so it ought to be a free distribution. Software libre canaima gnu linux estrena portal web. Canaima is a complete gnu linux operating systemdistribution developped in ten bolivarian republic of venezuela, with both community and goverment support. The free software foundation fsf states that canaima gnulinux is not 100% free software. Canaima gnulinux is a distribution made by venezuelas government to distribute.

Fsfla fsflas petition for canaima gnulinux to be free. Radio urquia en venezuela automaitiza con software libre. Canaima gnu linux is an open source operating system. Canaima gnu linux is a venezuelan desktop distribution based on debian gnu linux.

It uses the debian linux kernel, and a large part of the basic tools that fill out the operating system come from gnu, which are also free. Canaima gnulinux is an open source operating system. It is primarily designed as a solution for the computers of national public administration in accordance with the presidential decree number 3. Cest en particulier le cas des micrologiciels necessaires aux cartes graphiques, aux cartes son, aux imprimantes, etc. It is a linux distribution based on the architecture of debian. Canaima es una version venezolana basada en debian del sistema operativo. Canaima gnu linux, libreoffice y soporte tecnico en gnu linux nivel medio.

Canaima gnulinux is a venezuelan desktop distribution based on debian. The venezuelan presidential decree 3390, specifically in articles 2 and 7. Parque nacional canaima is a 30,000 km 2 12,000 sq mi park in southeastern venezuela that roughly occupies the same area as the gran sabana region. Canaima es una distribucion gnulinux venezolana basada en debian. Avances, eventos, formacion, material descargable, noticias, actualidad y seguimiento al software libre en venezuela. Podemos observar como canaima continuamente desarrolla nuevas versiones del programa. The free software foundation fsf states that canaima gnu linux is not 100% free software. Understand linux and free software at once duration.

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